Friday, 28 February 2014

Mirosław Tokarczyk II

Another selection of illustration by Mirosław Tokarczyk. I have really enjoyed exploring various mid centuary polish illustrators this week, mainly found on the wonderful blog and resource Garaż ilustracji książkowych

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Mirosław Tokarczyk I

A wonderful snail by Polish illustrator Mirosław Tokarczyk born in 1934. Miroslaw studied graphics in the studio of Jan Marcin Szancer at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. He has illustrated over 200 books and won numerous awards for his work, the silver cross of merit in 1988 and the Polish Association of Book Publishers for the most beautiful book of the year in 1987 and 1990.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A Foxy Wolf

I am so happy to have my own website and it has really inspired me to work. Last weekend I finished this piece called 'Grasp the Nettle', a further exploration of the Little Red Riding Hood theme that has gripped my imagination for a number of years now. In this version I wanted to replace the wolf with a fox as we do not currently have wild wolves here, they apparently were hunted to extinction in the 1700's though there are plans to reintroduce them in a controlled area in Scotland. A fox is the closest wild animal that we have and I really wanted to mix that orange and red.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Tetsuhiro Wakabayashi VI

This has to be my favourite ごちそう Tetsuhiro Wakabayashi illustration so far, as it is so like my home with my crazy cat and over friendly and demanding seagull.
Thank you

Monday, 24 February 2014

Christine McArthur I

Some of these images are from the appropriately named exhibition 'a month of Sundays'. This is how Christine McArthur's paintings make me feel, like I am having a lovely Sunday afternoon baking and drinking coffee. 
Sadly it is Monday but Christine's paintings help make the weekend last a little longer.
Thank you

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Sunday Smiles from Toru Fukuda

Toru Fukuda is an illustrator from Kobe Japan who's work has a very mid 20th Century style, it reminds me of the bold graphics of Roger Hargreaves work. Here are his hand made block creatures that made me smile this morning.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Takao Nakagawa V

Takao Nakagawa is a favourite illustrator of mine and so I am using this wonderful poster, with it's great use of contrasting and unusual colour combinations and collage, to sail into the weekend.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Larry Calkins I

I cannot remember what led me to the work of Larry Calkins two or three weeks ago, but having found it I have been lost in it's different media, approaches, styles and wonder.
Larry Calkins is extremely prolific and very varied in his working media and method. 
These works are some of Larry's paper cut silhouettes, they reminded me of Hans Christian Anderson's paper cuts and they also have the same irreverence of David Shrigleys work.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Ilija Bašičević Bosilj II

More magical work by Ilija Bašičević Bosilj (2 August 1895 – 1972). Iljia was born in 1895 in Šid. Vojvodina the ninth child in his family. He worked as a farmer and wine maker until he was 62. He produced his first gouaches and drawings in 1957 and from 1958. started working in oil paint, in his life time despite being late to commence a career in art he was acclaimed and exhibited widely. 

"It seems to me that the old people were right when they said that there is a constant battle between the good and the evil, only one never knows what is good and what is bad. For all I used to love, I hate now, and all I used to hate I love now, so who can be clever? In my life I  heard some words, and I remember the that a man is a scarf with two faces."  Ilija Bašičević Bosilj

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Petar Dolic II

Petar Dolic, these heavily scored, energetic pieces make me wonder about what Petar's work would be like if he tried relief printmaking.

Petar Dolic I

 Petar Dolic is a Croatian sculptor, here I am featuring on his two dimensional  works.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Bane Milenkovic I

Bane Milenkovic is an artist from Novi Sad who paints many subjects still life and landscape he trained under the abstract painter Ferdinand Kulmer. Today I have chosen his lively works on paper featuring dogs.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Ilija Bašičević Bosilj I

Ilija Bašičević Bosilj (2 August 1895 – 1972) lived a life constantly disrupted by conflict and political change. His life story is fascinating as are his wonderful naive paintings. 
Ilija Bašičević Bosilj began painting in his early fifties and during his lifetime was exhibited widely throughout Europe and indeed in Japan and South America. To help support his home town of Shid, Ilija bequeathed his work which now forms the Museum Ilijanum.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Casey Roberts II

Casey Roberts

Casey Roberts I

This is a cyanotpye by Casey Roberts, I find the process fascinating and the results are very similar to bleach techniques that I am currently experimenting with.
 "Representing nature's subtle way of dealing with the peculiar aspects in the relationship with mankind. A giant glow-in-the-dark heart, or a pile of precious gems tells us that we are loved, just as blood squirting from an oak tree trunk says, all is not well. I am inspired by my conversation with the landscape, I imagine long monologues when pine forests make me laugh and mountains test my patience." Casey Roberts

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Lola Donoghue

Lola Donoghue is an Irish artist and illustrator from Galloway who makes these abstract paintings in oils and acrylic. 
"My paintings are captured moments of past experiences. However, when I begin, I never know what the finished piece will look like. The initial trigger is merely a springboard for my imagination; a vehicle for my creative urges. It is an emerging process. As the work unfolds, I may discover something by accident, which in turn dictates the direction of the piece. A representational piece usually ends up in total abstraction." Lola Donoghue

Friday, 14 February 2014

Love Bugs

Happy Valentines Day, here are some Love Bugs that I worked on yesterday whilst playing with alcohol (surgical spirit) and watercolour.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Deborah Bell I

Deborah Bell's delicate Summer Veil. Deborah's work are delicate abstract compositions created often while contemplating the larger mysteries of the world and indeed universe.
"My process is intuitive and immediate. My themes (or obsessions) arise from observing what is in the world, both environmentally and socially." Deborah Bell

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Eric Comstock I

 Eric Comstock  makes wonderful graphic designs that have all of the quality, joy and fun of mid 20th century  classic design.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Kenna Moser II

Further delicate beauty from Kenna Moser.
"I am inspired artists who work with their own visual language, passions and quirks. I believe that the path to the universal is through the personal, that you can only really paint what you know. My work is intertwined with my life. Images are gathered from trees, ferns and feathers found in the woods and stream behind my studio or gleaned from my garden." Kenna Moser