Wednesday 7 August 2024

French block-printed, hand coloured endpapers

Above:A block-printed paper made by Les Associés in Paris 1724?

Above: ‘Chez Les Associe’, Paris, 1790. Block printed calico paper.

Block-printed paper emerged from traditions of textile printing. The earliest block-printed papers date from the end of the 16th century, but mostly one finds them from the 18th–early 19th century. The print was hand printed, using carved wooden blocks, each individual colour was printed separately and left to dry before applying the next, or a black-and-white design was hand tinted. The French papier dominoté is a good example of the type, however similar printed papers were produced all over Europe.  

Above: Modern reproduction of 'Les Associés' print of mid 18th century Domino paper

Above: Modern reproduction of 'Les Associés' print of mid 18th century Domino paper 'Guirlandes et Festons'.

Above: Modern reproduction of 'Les Associés' print of mid 18th century Domino paper ' Oiseau et Rose'. Below: The original front endpaper 1768 

Above: Unknown 1800 French.

Above:  Almanach Historique et Géographique de la Picardie. Année 1759. [1758?]

The 'Endpaper Challenge is by Monty Lee.  You can participate in from September 2nd - 8th on Instagram.

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