Tuesday 6 August 2024

Ancient Endpapers

 Above: Two pages of waka poems by Ōshikōchi Mitsune (859?-925?) 

Not an endpaper but one of the oldest examples of marbled paper is from this manuscript. Here are two pages of waka poems by Ōshikōchi Mitsune (859?-925?). 20cm height, 32cm wide. Silver, Gold, Color, and ink on suminagashi paper. From a copy of the Sanjurokunin Kashu or "Thirty-Six Immortal Poets" kept in the Hongan-ji Temple, Kyoto. It was presented to the Emperor Shirakawa on his sixtieth birthday in 1118 C.E. 1.

Above: Ignacio de los Valles’ Latin grammar with is tattered and torn endpapers in oak gall ink (1742).

The next few posts are about incredible historic endpapers and how they were produced, hours of research have culminated in a lot of information, so on some days there are multiple posts.

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