Saturday 29 May 2010

Shona Young

Traveling Light by Shona Young, Shona is a young Scottish artist who works with paper, books and paint. I love the quality of this sculpture it is warm and soft and reminds me of the excitement of being packed and ready for a holiday.


  1. These are lovely. I have a moth thing about lamps....I don't know why but I'm just drawn to them.

  2. Yes, these are truly wonderful! I am drawn to lamps, too, and I especially take note of sculptural works that are similar in any way to the luminescent sculptures I make! Shona, these are great. Hazel, thanks for sharing them.

  3. I am glad you all like Shona's work so much, I hope you like her books too. x

  4. Wanda,
    Your paper and light works are wonderful too, great to revisit your work, thanks for commenting.
