Thursday, 23 May 2019

Joanna Migut

The degree show of Joanna Migut, unapologetically appley from the pip to the core. The peel to the name of your true love!

'I was looking for an object to paint that is quite simple everyday almost trivial but also symbolic and chose apple because it carries a lot of meaning. Everyone knows the story about Eve and Eden, the apple became a symbol of curiosity knowledge. There’s also Plato’s myth of Aristophanes which explains the origins of humans - once there were eight limbed creatures who grew so powerful they became a threat to the gods and Zeus decided to split them in half. Since then they live on Earth constantly seeking the wholeness they had lost. This is why the fruit in my works is split in half. What is more in Polish language we have a saying ‘they’re like two halves of one apple’ meaning soulmates. I like linking the curiosity of Eve, the search for wholeness from the Greek myth with the essence of artistic practice itself.'  Joanna Migut 

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