Sunday 17 November 2019

Sanjay Patel

'Ganesha's Sweet Tooth', written by Emily Haynes and illustrated by Sanjay Patel, an animator and illustrator who also works with Pixar, has a wonderful clean modern graphic style and interpretation of tribal art.
The story is an interpretation of the myth in which Ganesha is asked (by Vyasa) to record the verses of the epic poem Mahabharata where Ganesha's pen is broken and so he breaks off his tusk and uses it to continue writing.
In this version the young Ganesha loves sweets, and bites into a particularly hard one, breaking his tusk. After trying to reattach the broken tusk Ganesha throws it away, but in doing so hits the poet Vyasa who challenges him to scribe the Mahabharata with the broken tusk as he believes the tusk is the tool for this epic task.

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