Monday 4 March 2024

Hazel Terry, Pinocchio I


By the end of the day I will have completed the art part of this weeks challenge by Monty Lee #bkspinocchio illustrating 7 prompts from Pinocchio. 

I was invited to co-host in the autumn and had a clear plan to use tree elements, so I gathered paper bark from Himalayan birch and pressed autumn leaves. Time is a strange thing and when it came to commencing work my head heart and hands had other ideas and I started making strange books. In the intervening months I had spent 2 months preparing for the Edinburgh Zine Festival and so I suppose this is natural paths in creativity. Sometimes you surprise yourself! I used Geli prints left over from two children's books so leaves did get in there through a circuitous route.

This one is a kind of stage one using a shallow folded corrugation to hold the scene and lots of paper cutting. You can see it interplay with the light here.

1 comment:

  1. So great to have discovered you and your blog Hazel and to read more about your work- Bravo!
