Saturday 3 September 2022



Sorry I suddenly got 'don't breathe busy', preparing for open doors. 

I have not had an exhibition for over 20 years, something I intend to rectify soon,  but I do open my house once a year to share what I have been up to. 

What I have been 'up to' is a lot of collage. I find it is a great way to creatively deal with things life is throwing my way. 

For years I have loved the particular papier-mâché of layers of paper on billboards so I have printed some of my collages and collaged them onto billboard mâché, this seems right, it is recycling, it is using capitalist adverts, the colours are bright and I love the images. 

I have also collaged smaller works using the printed layer of boxes from supermarkets. 

I have also been painting and so there is more traditional work in the mix, with illustration work too.


  1. I wish so much to see all your work, Hazel. I am in western Massachusetts in New England. Too far away.

    1. I wish you could too, and you are welcome to come and stay any time.

  2. Love all you share on this blog…
