Saturday 2 April 2022

Charlotte Lemaire I


Charlotte Lemaire's "William, The spyglass and the tiger" was published by Biscoto in May 2019. With luxuriously rich tropical jungle illustrations and a fabulous tiger.

William is about to enter the jungle, armed with his spyglass like a real explorer,  hoping to make a great discovery. But when a tiger threatens to devour him before the arrival of hunters, William must very quickly convince him that he can be useful to him other than as a meal. 

The tiger and the man therefore set out in search of something that could save them, roaming the forest without knowing what to look for. By chance, or by determination, it is up to the readers to decide, William and the tiger discover small stones with golden lights. These hundreds of golden stones, which look like so many tiger eyes, will prove very useful scattered in the trees and in the recesses of the jungle to scare the hunters . . .

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