Wednesday 7 April 2021

Emily Dickinson


The origami of thought, scraps of poems by Emily Dickenson gathered together in a single book, 'The Gorgeous Nothings: The Envelope Poems Of Emily Dickinson' published in 2013 edited by Jen Bervin and Marta Werner. 

It is the first book devoted to full colour, actual-size images of this specific body of her work, you are drawn first to the shapes, colours, and textures rather than words, in this way they draw you in as visual objects and then poems. 


  1. Pour faire une prairie, il faut un trèfle et une abeille.
    Un trèfle et une abeille, et la rêverie.
    La rêverie seule y suffirait,
    si les abeilles venaient à manquer.

  2. The beautiful reality of nature is even more fascinating than the dream !
