Monday 6 May 2019

Paul Anthony Waplington

Above: Paul Anthony Waplington b.1938 'The Lace Draughting Room '

I have been having one of those days where everything has been pointing to 'lace'. If the universe is shouting something at you then it is best to listen. This is a painting by Paul Waplington, who originally trained as a lace draughtsman in early1940's Nottingham. 

The restrictive, painstaking nature of this flat pattern design meant that Paul sought escape in studying three-dimensional subjects, working from the streets and factories of his surroundings. 

On the collapse of the lace industry in Nottingham, Paul pursued his career designing in Spain and Portugal and has resettled in Portugal where his surroundings and thus subject matter completely changed. His works have recorded the changing world of the Midlands of England and rural Portugal. 

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