Monday 3 September 2018

Inching through September

I am approaching September an inch at a time, due to a drawing project/ challenge set by 'The House of Illustration'.  It is day three, so here are my first three drawings all made using watercolour and graphite. I am sticking to black and white at least to start with as I like it, and I am not really thinking about what I am going to draw. I just let the media lead the way, a surrealist technique that I have always liked to use, as it releases you to a certain extent from tightness and self imposed themes.

The game is inspired by John Vernon Lord who, in 2016, made a drawing for every single day of the year. Each one is just one-inch squared and made with pen and ink on paper, which are on exhibition at The House of Illustration as part of the  John Vernon Lord: Illustrating Carroll and Joyce Exhibition.
"Every day of 2016 I would do a drawing of something that occurred to me on the spur of the moment. The exercise was done for the fun of drawing - the liberation of drawing 'for the sake of it' is always something of a relief compared to the exacting challenge of illustrating professionally." John Vernon Lord
It is a lovely challenge, as an inch is the perfect size to draw as a daily challenge even if you are busy.

Above and below: some of John Vernon Lord's inch drawings.

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