Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Julia Barton and Littoral

It is amazing when you find a connection with someone new, a shared passion. This happened this weekend at the Fruitmarket Gallery with Julia Barton of Littoral Art an artist with a passion for seaweed, who has increasingly been distracted and distraught with the amount of plastic pollution. 
So rarely was Julia finding plastic free specimens that she started drawing the plastic into her seaweed studies you can see some of these in her books above. It needs to be said that Julia was not working on a densely populated metropolitan coast but on the remote archipelago of the Shetland Isles. 
People do not realise the impact that their actions and the plastics that they use are having and paramount to Julia's practice is to educate people about the devastation that plastic is having on our environment and ultimately our lives. 
You can get follow Julia's work and get your guide to beach litter here.


  1. I have shared this on my facebook page. Like Julia, I am distraught by what is happening to our oceans and the creatures that live in them. I am constantly shocked that you can still find microbeads in products in local pharmacies in spite of widespread knowledge of the consequences of their use. I hope the beach litter project finds its way into all schools.
