Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Bird Cage

Last night we made (Freya and myself) a new cat house for Bellissimo. I was planning to make him a new house more regularly, but he has enjoyed the one that I made him a month ago, so much, that it seemed a shame to move him on so soon.
Anyway I wanted to make this one into a bird cage for various reasons, but mainly because I misinterpreted something one of my students was making and then wanted to make what I had thought he was making. I often find this is when you have great ideas, when you see something, but misread it  . . .I suppose it is just looking at things differently.

I may upload different pictures later as these were taken in the dull early morning light, but they give you an idea of how much he likes it.

1 comment:

  1. interpretation in different ways.
    ...i like this.
