Tuesday 13 December 2016

Ottavia Pasta and Inês Seixas

Folk Wisdom is a wonderful collaborative project between strangers and Ottavia Pasta and Inês Seixas, who have gathered conversations and woven them into these linear printed designs.
"When I just arrived in Glasgow to study at the School of Art, we spent nights out listening to folktales and it turned out to be the best way to get to know the city, its people and their beliefs, legends and jokes.
Someone told us that the wind in Glasgow mostly blows W-E, and since the East part of the city was the industrial one, the posh area of the West End was planned and built there so that the air wouldn’t get dirty with the smoke of the factories.
Meanwhile, another man told us that the super famous Scottish drink Irn-Bru was so called, so energizing and so orange because in its secret recipe there is iron rust.
Some stories may be unreliable or inconsistent, but I personally value the power of storytelling and its ability to connect and inspire, as well as help people remember their histories and pass down their traditions." 

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