Thursday, 19 March 2015

Shadows and Shockheaded Peter

Inspired by Christian Boltanski yesterday we had a little bit of a paper challenge day which was great and there was a lot of laughter. I made a few examples in my lunch hour. Half way through the first one this 1917 illustration of Shockheaded Peter came to mind, and so that is what I ended up with.
Der Struwwelpeter 1845 is a German book by Heinrich Hoffmann, comprised of ten cautionary tales for children.


  1. I hated Struwwelpeter when I was a child! I prefer yours… ;-)
    warm greetings from grey Paris!

  2. Greetings Hazel, I am working on a similar project and am having trouble with the lighting. what kind of light source did you use?
    thank you,

    1. This was not the best light Avary. You are best using a single filament bulb like a car light because then it does not divide the light and gives a single shadow. I did have the use of a transparency projector which I would use to throw the light up onto a sheet.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
