Saturday, 31 May 2014

Emily Lang II

 A second post about Emily Lang's work in the ECA Illustration degree show. 

"Everything in the show was inspired by the textiles worn by the fishing communities in East Lothian and Fife. 
Dreg songs were sung by the fishermen as they dredged for oysters to keep time as they worked. The knitting patterns are based on patterns used for the gansey jumpers worn by the fishermen and the pale yellow patterns were inspired by the outfits worn by the fishwives, so the prints are meant to represent a collaboration between the men and women. 
I drew the knitting patterns in a circle because the jumpers were knitted in the round and the female patterns are rectangle shaped to represent the skirts. I used dreg song lyrics to title the prints because I wanted to get across the repetition and rhythm of the work which was emulated in the repetitive patterns in the textiles." Emily Lang